THCA and HHC are just two of the cannabinoids that have made waves across the market in recent years. Have you tried them both yet? Odds are, you’ve probably already tried THCA whether you’ve realized it or not. Curious what I mean by that? Read on to learn the ins and outs of THCA vs HHC, and to determine which cannabinoid is right for you. Learn about where these cannabinoids come from, their effects, and what you can expect from each.
In the meantime, have your very own THCA vs HHC showdown at home! Check out our selection of THCA disposable vapes, and HHC prerolls.
Where do they come from?
When it comes to THCA vs HHC, their origins are pretty different. THCA is a naturally occurring cannabinoid. It’s actually the acidic form of THC. Naturally, THCA is pretty abundant. If you look at the label on almost any flower you buy from a dispensary, THCA is a prominent component.
HHC on the other hand, was initially synthesized by American chemist Roger Adams in the 1940s. Adams did this by adding hydrogen to THC. This process of hydrogenation is still used today to create margarine from vegetable oil.
THCA vs HHC: potency
In its raw, original form, THCA is not psychoactive and is more comparable to CBD than THC in terms of effects. However, most of us enjoying THCA are not enjoying it in its original form. In order to consume THCA as is, you would need to ingest raw weed (by grinding some up into a smoothie, for example, or using a specially made tincture). As soon as heat is added to THCA, it transforms into THC. This heat can come from a lighter, a vape, or the oven when you decarb your flower to make edibles. If you’ve ever smoked weed, then you’ve converted THCA to THC.
This process of decarboxylation alters the chemistry of THCA. Initially, THCA contains a carboxyl ring in its molecular structure. This ring prevents it from attaching to our CB1 receptors. An attachment with these receptors produces a high. Once the heat is added, the ring is removed, and the newly formed THC is the perfect shape to attach to these receptors. So, in terms of potency, as long as you’re adding heat, then THCA will be as potent as THC, because it will be THC by the time you’re ingesting it.
HHC is not quite as potent as THC. This is because the addition of the hydrogen makes HHC less compatible with our CB1 receptors. There is still an attachment, so it is still a psychoactive cannabinoid, but the attachment is not as secure as the attachment from THC.
Both HHC and THCA are legal on a federal level, provided they are derived from hemp. Legally, hemp is defined as cannabis containing .3% or less delta 9 THC. This is thanks to the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill. This bill legalized hemp federally with the intent to increase production for goods like clothing, rope, and food. However, it wasn’t long before hemp-derived cannabinoids started popping up everywhere. Individual states have responded in their own way to these new products. Some have implemented bans, some have imposed restrictions, and others have affirmed the federal law.
Other states use something called “total THC” when it determines what is and isn’t considered hemp. Total THC takes into account the THCA content when classifying hemp. Essentially, if there is enough THCA that will turn to THC after decarboxylation, then the material is classified as cannabis and not hemp. Both cannabinoids are subject to different legislation if they are derived from cannabis instead of hemp. Definitely stay aware of what’s going on in your state before enjoying THCA or HHC.
The bottom line
When it comes to THCA vs HHC, both cannabinoids are worthwhile. THCA is the more potent of the two, as it turns into THC after the addition of heat. HHC is the way to go if you’re looking for something slightly less potent and a little more stimulating. DVNT has you covered with lab tested THCA and HHC products you can count on. Check out our selection today and see which cannabinoid you prefer for yourself.