Delta 8 News Update


About a month ago, I dropped an article regarding currently proposed delta 8 legislation.  Even though not much time has passed, it is once again time for another delta 8 news update.  State legislators are scrambling all across the country to either regulate this cannabinoid or ban it altogether.  So let’s dive in and take a look at where things stand today.

West Virginia

In West Virginia delta 8 news, the senate passed a bill earlier this year which criminalizes synthetic delta 8, delta 9, and delta 10 products.  Possession or distribution of these products would be illegal as they would be defined as Schedule I substances.  Senator Mike Stuart declared that he is “proud of the overwhelming and bipartisan support by the State Senate for passage of laws that will immediately protect our children and deal with what many call ‘the next opiate crisis’”.  I’m definitely not sure who these “many” are that he’s referring to, but go off I guess…


Senate Bill 903 is scheduled to take effect July 1 of this year.  The bill would make it illegal to sell anything meant for human consumption that contains synthetic THC.  This is truly some devastating delta 8 news.  Critics of the law point out that it will impact not only the delta 8 industry but the CBD industry as well.  The ratio of CBD to THC is required to be 25/1 in any edible products.  Hemp advocates have pleaded unsuccessfully for the limit to be adjusted to 10/1.  

Anyone found selling newly illegal CBD products would be subject to a fine of $10,000 per day.  All businesses that wish to sell hemp products will be also required to pay a $1000 registration fee.  Most interestingly, all CBD topical products would be required to contain a bittering agent which begs the question, are people actually eating CBD lotion?

New Jersey

A bill currently proposed in New Jersey would regulate delta 8.  Senator Declan O’Scanlon went so far as to compare delta 8 to “bathtub gin”.  His bill seeks to issue regulatory authority over delta 8 to the state’s Cannabis Regulatory Commission.  So, compared with other states, this update is really not such bad delta 8 news.  Regulation would not necessarily spell the end of the industry in the Garden State.  According to O’Scanlon, the bill is really just a measure to create standards and framework for the industry. 


A bill currently proposed in Tennessee seeks to regulate delta 8.  No one under twenty-one would be able to purchase delta 8.  Businesses would also need to have a license to sell the products.  The bill would also place a 5% tax on all delta 8 merchandise.  Even further, the products would not be allowed to be sold in the shape of animal or cartoon characters, and would be subject to strict labeling requirements .  So, essentially Tennessee is seeking to regulate delta 8 while also increasing state revenue.


By now we’re all familiar with the 2018 Farm Bill which legalized hemp on a federal level.  Legally, hemp is defined as cannabis containing no more than .3% delta 9 THC.  This bill unintentionally paved the way for cannabinoids like delta 8 and HHC to prosper.  Apparently, the US generates a new farm bill every five years.  Which means, this September we’re due for an update.  This law could spell devastating delta 8 news.  California’s Cannabis Industry Association has pushed for national legislators to amend the bill and eliminate the loophole that has made delta 8 such a booming industry.  We’re still several months out from a new bill, but it will be very interesting to see what changes, if any, will be made to federal hemp law.  

In conclusion, 2023 will be an interesting year for the delta 8 industry.  Some states seek to ban delta 8 altogether while others are looking to regulate, or even profit off of the popular cannabinoid.  We may even see changes to legislation on a national level.  Whatever the rest of the year holds in store, choose from our selection of delta 8 prerolls or blunts.  Whether you’re looking for an indica, sativa, or hybrid, we’ve got what it takes to elevate you to new highs.
